
Principle of Launching of a Satellite and Use of Multistage Rocket

Satellite A satellite is a device that continuously revolves on its own around the much larger body in a stable orbit. Natural Satellite   A satellite created by nature. Natural satellites like the moon (satellite of earth), earth (satellite of sun), planet (satellite of sun). Jupiter and Saturn have 14 and 12 satellites respectively.  Artificial Satellite  A satellite made by humans. India put its first satellite Aryabhatta from Russian soil on 19 April 1975. India's important satellites like INSAT-IA, INSAT-IB, INSAT-2D, INSAT-2B, IRS-IC , etc Launching of a Satellite  Principle  Consider a high tower with its top projecting a body outside the earth's atmosphere. Let us throw a body with different velocities. Due to its low-velocity body describes a parabolic path and hits the earth surface at A. Similarly, on increasing velocity body hits the surface at B and makes a large horizontal range . Again on increasing the velocity body hits at C. At a certa...

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