10 Amazing Benefits of Giloy and its Side Effects: The Ayurvedic Herb

Giloy (Tinospora Cordifolia) is an Ayurvedic herb that has been used and advocated in Indian medicine for ages. It is also known as 'Amrita' in Sanskrit. It has abundant medical properties. The stem of Giloy is of maximum utility, but the root of the Giloy can also be used. It can be consumed in the form of juice, capsules, and powder. Consuming Giloy can be helpful for our bodies. Its uses and benefits have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

10 Amazing Benefits of Giloy

1.Boosts immunity

It is a universal herb that helps to boost immunity. It is the powerhouse of antioxidants that fights free radicals, keeps the cells of your  body healthy and disease-free. It removes toxins, purifies blood, fights with bacteria. 

2.Improves digestion

Giloy is very beneficial and helpful in improving digestion related problems. You may consume Giloy juice with honey for better taste. You can also consume Giloy juice with some amla for the best results.

3.Reduce respiratory problems

It acts as an anti-inflammatory and helps to reduce respiratory-related problems like cough, cold. and tonsils.

4.Treats fever

Giloy is anti-pyretic. It helps get rid of the fever and not only fever but also it can reduce signs and several symptoms.

5.Improves vision

It helps to improve the vision of the eyes. You may apply Giloy plant to the eyes. You have to do, is boil Giloy powder let it cool down then apply on eyelids.

6.Reduce signs of ageing

It is helpful to reduce the signs of ageing. It has an anti-ageing property that helps to reduce dark spots, pimples or acne, fine lines, wrinkles. It also helps to glow the skin.

7.Reduce asthmatic 

As it is also helpful in reducing asthmatic symptoms like chest tightness, shortness of breath, cough, wheezing, etc. Consuming Giloy Juice helps to reduce asthma patients.

8.Treats arthritis

Giloy helps to treat arthritis symptoms like joint pain etc. As it contains anti-arthritic properties that help to treat arthritis symptoms like rheumatoid arthritis.


It helps to control high cholesterol level in the body by improving metabolism and eliminating toxins from our body which are responsible for high cholesterol in our body.

10.Weight loss

Giloy juice also helps in fat loss by boosting immunity and metabolism. Good immunity helps in weight regulation and metabolism helps in burning more fat.

Side Effects of Giloy

  • Giloy may cause the immune system to become more active so it is advisable to stop using Giloy if you are suffering from autoimmune diseases.
  • Giloy may interfere with blood sugar level before and after surgery. People with health-related problems like blood sugar level should completely avoid.
  • As Giloy helpful in treating with digestive problems, it can sometimes upset your stomach leading to constipation, so immediately consult a doctor if you have experience constipation.

"The content in this article is based on internet sources and it is strictly for educational/informational purpose only. We do not recommend or advice in any way. Please first consult your doctor before taking any steps."
